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Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning for me is as necessary as the daily practice of brushing my teeth. I do believe that clearing out almost every part of my home and my life is one of the most powerful and healing things I can do for myself.  A good spring cleaning is something I don’t even need to prepare for, it just feels like something that is part of me, I have always done it. 

Embracing Transformation | Part 2

Our physical worlds are merely a reflection of our inner realities. Yet how many of us take the time to do the inner work that is needed to really change what is reflected in the outer? We spend most of our time tending to the outer, expecting that this will...

Embracing Transformation | Part I

The February new moon will be in the sign of Aquarius. New moons ask us to release the old and begin to embrace the new! This new powerful movement of Pluto coupled with the moon in Aquarius makes this a very potent time to release mindsets that have held us captive and...

Dry Brushing For Lymphatic Stimulation

The lymphatic system is an organ system on the surface of the body just under the skin. It is part of our immune system and our circulatory system. Humans have been practicing lymphatic skin brushing with a dry brush or sponge for over 5,000 years. Evidence of bathing with sponges made...

Yoga For Release & Restoration

The winter season asks us to slow down, take deep breaths and turn inwards. As the world takes on a quiet demeanor, so too should our spirits find solace in the gentle cadence of release and restoration. In this sacred space of practice, we invite you to explore our favorite daily...

The Self Care Of Grief: Clearing Emotional Clutter

Autumn is here and we are having unusually wet weather. Almost to the day of the solstice, I felt a heaviness in my lungs. From a Chinese medicine point of view, autumn is the element of metal and it rules the meridians of the lungs and large intestines. It might...

The Traveler: Secrets To Summer Beauty

Are you traveling near or far, in the height of summer, the season of sun and fun? I am here to remind you of some healthy must do's for your body, mind, and spirit.

The Power of Skin Nutrition: Spotlight on Nectar Serum

We call our offerings ‘farm to face skin food,’ and we think about all of our ingredients as skin nourishment. Just like our bodies need nutrition, so does our skin. The Power Healer in the EAA lineup is the NECTAR skin serum, each of its nine simple ingredients chosen to bring...

Meet The Maker

Hello friends!  My name is Marci, and I’ve been working with Kate at Essential Apothecary Alchemist for a little over a year now. Nature has given us an amazing bounty, and we live here in one of the most fertile and beautiful places on Earth.  It’s so fun to discover new...

Working With The Shadow Self

We all have a shadow aspect. We all have unclaimed aspects of ourselves. There is no shame in that, it is part of being human. Working with shadow aspects takes a brave heart, a loving heart, and a forgiving heart. Owning and working with the shadow gives us all a...

Making Your Own Cone Incense

I was recently invited to create a class for the generous and talented Jeanne Oliver. In The Alchemist we explore how to scent your home naturally with everything from handmade cleaning products to distilling your own hydrosols (distilled plant waters).

The Botanist's Garden at Hunter Moon Homestead

I have dreamed of the day where I could gather up old friends and new ones, to celebrate each other and nurture our creative spirits, for a very long time. We will gather in the beautiful Palouse prairie on Hunter Moon Homestead to celebrate the abundance and beauty that surrounds us....

Better Oral Health: Repairing The Biofilm In Your Mouth

 I have learned a lot regarding oral hygiene in the past few months, after seeing a new dentist and learning I had infection in my gums. We all have an environment in our mouths (known as biofilm), just as we do in our gut, that keeps our gums and teeth healthy. Here are...

New Release: KATHAROS Ritual Incense

The theme for the new year, at least for the first 6 months or so, seems to be, SLOW DOWN. I’m trying, even though it’s not my nature. I am moving through my list of to do’s with a more centered awareness that it will all get done in due time. Having...

In Gratitude

Here we go heading off into winter. As our days darken and the air turns cold, I am reminded of ancient rituals that bring joy and hope into this austere season. I love gathering the green and fragrant evergreen branches for the house, putting pine, orange, clove, and cinnamon essential oils in my...

Reverence: Honoring The Autumn Element

In Chinese medicine Autumn rules the Lungs and the Large Intestines. If you are in harmony with the season of release, you will have an awareness of keeping in your life what is vital and wholesome, and gracefully releasing what is no longer being honored, or what has served its time.