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How To Safely Exfoliate With Organic Products

What could be better than intensely hydrated skin that appears clear, plump and glowing? Self-care skin care rituals done consistently, are worth your time no question. Those of you who spend the time daily to do a few simple steps will benefit with younger looking skin. I highly recommend a spa like skin care protocol.

Super Nutrition for Radiant Skin and Radiant Health

Because of my nutrition background I became aware of many ingredients that had remarkable effects on the skin, taken both internally and topically. Anything you take internally will affect the skin and vice versa. I have a few products that I would like to introduce you to, that I have...

Self Love In The Season Of Giving

As you practice self-love, these concepts grow to expand the loving truths, and life begins to resonate with these new vibrations. We are all only responsible for our own self concepts. We just need to be willing to release the old ones and embrace and practice the new ones. Feelings of shame...

You Are Far More Powerful Than You Ever Thought Possible

I think of myself as a spiritual being having a human experience. Certainly, I am much more than the physical space I occupy, and I am so much more than the thoughts I think, and the emotions that flow through me like the waves of the sea. This vibration that...

Trace Mineral Deficiencies and Your Skin: Zinc Benefits For Skin Health

Libra rules the skin, and this largest organ may be calling to you in this season to give it nourishment. More and more we are seeing nutritional deficiencies arise in the global populations. Our soils are being depleted by bad farming practices, and this is further complicated by the use...

Leo Season Beauty Self Care

We are in the season of the Lion, the hight of summer, and the heat is on us! The Leo season reminds us to be creative and a little self indulgent. Leo's love to be loved, adoration brings out the best in them. We all have a little lion in...

Finding Balance: A Practice of Self-Love

  How many of you are in the perfect place in your life? Finances are flowing in, heath is perfect, job satisfaction is high, friendships are gratifying and balanced, family life is joyful and supportive, community involvement is stimulating, and your connection with your Source is ever present and deeply felt?...

Summer Skincare; A Sun Lovers Dilemma

Is Your Sunscreen Harming You (and the environment)? Oh, to be sun kissed just enough to bring out the freckles faded from winter's darkness! Our biggest skincare routine question of the summer? How much sun is too much sun? Most in the beauty industry would tell you to slather yourself with...

Getting The Best Cleanse: Facial Cleansing Protocol

The goal with our skincare cleansing regimen is to increase circulation through massage. This encourages lymphatic drainage and helps the product to tonify and penetrate deeper into the skin. Because EAA skincare is balancing, you should see changes, healing and balancing in your skin with continued use.

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning for me is as necessary as the daily practice of brushing my teeth. I do believe that clearing out almost every part of my home and my life is one of the most powerful and healing things I can do for myself.  A good spring cleaning is something I...

Embracing Transformation | Part 2

Our physical worlds are merely a reflection of our inner realities. Yet how many of us take the time to do the inner work that is needed to really change what is reflected in the outer? We spend most of our time tending to the outer, expecting that this will...

Embracing Transformation | Part I

The February new moon will be in the sign of Aquarius. New moons ask us to release the old and begin to embrace the new! This new powerful movement of Pluto coupled with the moon in Aquarius makes this a very potent time to release mindsets that have held us captive and...

Dry Brushing For Lymphatic Stimulation

The lymphatic system is an organ system on the surface of the body just under the skin. It is part of our immune system and our circulatory system. Humans have been practicing lymphatic skin brushing with a dry brush or sponge for over 5,000 years. Evidence of bathing with sponges made...

Yoga For Release & Restoration

The winter season asks us to slow down, take deep breaths and turn inwards. As the world takes on a quiet demeanor, so too should our spirits find solace in the gentle cadence of release and restoration. In this sacred space of practice, we invite you to explore our favorite daily...

The Self Care Of Grief: Clearing Emotional Clutter

Autumn is here and we are having unusually wet weather. Almost to the day of the solstice, I felt a heaviness in my lungs. From a Chinese medicine point of view, autumn is the element of metal and it rules the meridians of the lungs and large intestines. It might...

The Traveler: Secrets To Summer Beauty

Are you traveling near or far, in the height of summer, the season of sun and fun? I am here to remind you of some healthy must do's for your body, mind, and spirit.