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Trace Mineral Deficiencies and Your Skin: Zinc Benefits For Skin Health

Welcome to Libra season my friends—the season that begins with the autumn equinox. From our earth home we are at a balanced distance between the darkness and the light, as we move into the autumn and winter divisions of the year. Libra season highlights partnerships, beauty, and collaboration. All of this makes sense because only when we work together for the good of the group, over the good of the individual, do we survive the depths of winter.

Now is a good time to ask yourself, “How can I have a healthier and happier relationship with myself?,” because all relationships start there. Libra invites us to find balance and practice self love

Nurturing Your Most Important Relationship

How often do we take the opportunity to work on our very most important relationship? Is this relationship in need of forgiveness, generosity, recognition?!..

From a healthy relationship with oneself it is much easier to have and choose healthy relationships with others. You are worth the work, and this inner work can be even more important than the time we spend daily on our outer beauty. Not that we should neglect our outer beauty - both are important.

Understanding the Role of Zinc in Skin Health

Libra rules the skin, and this largest organ may be calling to you in this season to give it nourishment. More and more we are seeing nutritional deficiencies arise in the global populations. Our soils are being depleted by bad farming practices, and this is further complicated by the use of glyphosate herbicides. Worldwide, almost 10 million tons of this chemical have been sprayed on agricultural land. If you are eating wheat and other grains, and they have not been grown organically, you are further complicating your health.

Soil on a gardening spade

The trace minerals we all depend on for thousands of body processes are declining in our soils and in our foods. At least one third of the all the people on the planet are deficient in zinc and other minerals. Zinc is not stored in our bodies and must be replaced continually, making it crucial for optimal skin care.

The Zinc Benefits for Skin Health

Our skin is the 3rd most zinc abundant tissue in our entire body! A zinc deficiency can lead various skin issues, including:

  • Acne: Zinc helps regulate oil production and reduces inflammation.
  • Eczema and Dermatitis: Its healing properties can soothe inflamed skin.
  • Rosacea: Zinc’s anti-inflammatory effects can alleviate redness and irritation.
  • Hyperpigmentation: By promoting cell turnover, zinc can help even out skin tone.
  • Alopecia: Zinc plays a role in hair follicle health and can help reduce hair loss.
  • Cracked Skin and Sebum Regulation: Zinc is vital for maintaining skin barrier function.

    In addition to skin health, research has shown that zinc is vital for the inflammatory response, collagen synthesis, and the proliferation of cells necessary for wound healing. By reducing oxidative stress, zinc supports a healthier environment for tissue repair - from internal organs to healthy skin tissue.

    As part of your daily skincare routine, make sure you are eating ample amounts of organic foods that are high in zinc. I supplement daily with a trace mineral formula. If you want healthy radiant skin, make sure you are replacing your probably depleted zinc and trace mineral stores.

    Foods High in Zinc

    Incorporating zinc-rich foods into your diet is essential for maintaining optimal skin health. Consider adding the following foods to your meals:

    Pumpkin Seeds: A powerhouse of nutrients, pumpkin seeds are not only high in zinc but also contain antioxidants and healthy fats, making them an excellent snack or topping for salads.

    Heirloom pumpkins with seeds high in zinc

    Sunflower Seeds: These seeds are rich in zinc, vitamin E, and healthy fats. Enjoy them on their own or sprinkled over yogurt or oatmeal.

    Cashews: A delicious and versatile nut, cashews provide a good source of zinc while also delivering protein and healthy fats.

    Oysters: Known as one of the richest sources of zinc, oysters are an excellent choice for boosting your intake. They can be enjoyed raw or cooked, depending on your preference.

    Fresh oysters loaded with zinc for skin health!

    Grass-Fed Beef: This nutrient-dense protein is a significant source of zinc, along with other essential vitamins and minerals. Consider lean cuts for a healthy meal.

    Lentils: A fantastic plant-based source of zinc, lentils are not only nutritious but also versatile. Add them to soups, stews, or salads for a hearty boost.

    Eggs: Eggs are a complete protein source and also provide a good amount of zinc. They can be prepared in various ways, making them a convenient addition to any meal.

    By including these foods in your diet, you can naturally boost your zinc levels and promote healthier skin.

    Cultivating Self-Care Through Nutrition

    Be kind to yourself, my friendsbe your best friend. Cultivating a nurturing relationship with your body is just as important as self-love. As we enter this season of balance, remember that investing in your inner health will reflect beautifully on your outer appearance. Zinc plays a pivotal role in this transformative journey.

    Embrace Your Unique Radiance

    As you navigate this season, let the wisdom of your relationship to yourself guide you towards a healthier relationship with your skin. Embrace the balance of nourishing your body, mind, and spirit, and let your one-of-a-kind shine!