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Finding Balance: A Practice of Self-Love

How many of you are in the perfect place in your life?

Finances are flowing in, heath is perfect, job satisfaction is high, friendships are gratifying and balanced, family life is joyful and supportive, community involvement is stimulating, and your connection with your Source is ever present and deeply felt? If you are that person, I would love to meet you!

Most of us, however, are blessed if any of these aspects in our lives is in balance. I ponder, is it possible to love yourself and your life if any one of these things (or all of these things) is something you struggle with? And if so, what can we do to nurture ourselves in spite of life's challenges?

Here are my lists of go-to's for finding balance when being alive is a constant challenge.

1. I start every day spending 30-60 minutes centering, calming my mind with the repetition of a mantra for a few minutes, and then I read spiritual text. Reading contemplation engages my mind and helps me to focus my thoughts in a positive way. 

2. For me creativity is a healing practice. Even just giving myself 15 minutes daily to draw in my art journal feels very healing.

3. If I have something that is bothering me, something I can't seem to get off of my mind, I take time either in the morning before I start my day or in the evening before I go to bed to write out my worries. Almost always writing out my thoughts helps to calm my mind and focus on what I can do to seek resolution of any unresolved issue.

4. I have an active forgiveness practice both for myself and for others. In my imagination, I revise an issue I have had with another person or a situation that was painful, and I see it as I would have liked it to be, in present time. I try to do this daily before I go to sleep.

5. This is a big one - and a powerful one - and a practice that is not easy! It is such a powerful practice to have nonetheless, and one what will reap big benefits if you can even try to practice it. I say practice, because it takes a very advanced state of being to be able to stay in this state. The practice is simply, loving what is. No matter the problem, the pain, the fear... love what is. If we can try and find the divine in everything that is happening in our lives, we will gain huge strides in our personal evolution. 

6. This one might not be for everyone, but I love a bath ritual. For me, water is such a powerful element of cleansing and release. The best way to bathe is to do it outside in the elements. I have an old clawfoot tub on my deck. Bathing in the fresh air, under the blue sky, and hearing the bird song, is the absolute best! I feel both deep relaxation and rejuvenation like nothing else I have ever tried. I have a basket filled with bath oils, natural sea sponges, and all of my EAA skincare products, and I just wash the day (and my troubles) away.


7. Almost every Sunday we have a family dinner at our house. We gather as a family and spend quality time with each other, we cook, and we clean up together, and we catch up with each other weekly.

8. If I find myself thinking of someone in the course of my day, I try to stop what I am doing and send a text to that person. Sometimes just saying, "hey I love you and you are on my mind." If I have a recurring thought of someone, I try to take time to call them. Staying in touch with others can be powerfully healing and such a loving act. Sharing your love with others is a powerful practice toward self love.

I hope this will give you some ideas for practicing self-love. Remember, in your imperfection, you are perfection. Let your one-of-a-kind shine!
PS  August is Leo season and Leo rules the heart. Check out this beautiful film about the heart and find out the truth of what your heart is telling you.