Embarking On A Journey Of Self-Discovery
I think of myself as a spiritual being having a human experience. Certainly, I am much more than the physical space I occupy, and I am so much more than the thoughts I think, and the emotions that flow through me like the waves of the sea.
I am consciously witnessing the undoing of the programming that happened to me from generations of conditioning that were passed down, but do not pertain to anything useful to me now. I have always been determined to understand the truth of my being and why my life has been one that I would not have consciously chosen for myself. Though I do believe that every bit of it was chosen, just not chosen from a place of self-love, and not from a place of kindness.
Currently, my new way of choosing is from a place of the infinitely huge spiritual possibilities, just waiting for me to figure them out. A spiritual journey to self-love. This undoing of the past did start with me asking the questions from a place of suffering, and a desire to understand why life seemed to be so difficult - and relentlessly so.
Understanding Your Spiritual Essence
Questioning Your Existence: A Path to Deeper Self-Love
So, you may consider asking yourself,
It is so easy to be caught up in basic survival needs that most of us don’t ask the why of it all.
I am not sure how I know without question that everything in existence has a vibration, but I do believe in it without doubt. This vibration is referred to as "Qi" to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Prana" to the eastern cultures, "The Word" to the Christians, and Mana to the Hawaiian cultures. This vibration that exists and permeates creation, is a vibration of love that is life affirming and life sustaining. I believe that this vibration is what makes everything connected, and is what makes everything ONE. It is this loving vibration that makes me a spiritual being having a human experience.

Living From a Place of Love: Embracing Inner Beauty
Tapping into this creative love vibration, then living from and sustaining a conscious awareness of this love vibration, are what the mystics refer to as Self-Enlightenment. It takes real courage to let yourself be more than your talents and accomplishments, more than your ambitions and expectations, more than your desires and disappointments. Maybe you are already a perfect spiritual being and you are just trying to remember that truth?
Try living with that awareness. Try making it a truth for yourself. Try loving everything that is - BECAUSE IT IS ALL LOVE!
If life is painful (and it is), what is this pain teaching you? What does it want from you or for you? If you could be anything you wanted to be, what would you be? And why wouldn’t you BE that? Or at the very least believe that you can?!
Remember, each step on your path of self-discovery and spiritual awareness is a step toward profound self-love and the appreciation of the beauty that lies within. Embrace it fully, for this journey shapes not just the life you lead but the legacy you leave behind.
All my love,
Discover more about nurturing your spiritual wellbeing with our guide to practicing self-care.
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