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Leo Season Beauty Self Care

We are in the season of the Lion, the hight of summer, and the heat is on us! The Leo season reminds us to be creative and a little self indulgent. Leo's love to be loved, adoration brings out the best in them. We all have a little lion in us. How do you indulge yourself, find time for creative outlets, and do you practice self love? 
EAA is in the beauty business, but inner beauty is just as if not more important than outer beauty. Tending to each gives a heightened quality to both.
For my outer beauty rituals, I love to indulge myself in an evening soak in the clawfoot tub I have on our back  porch. The baths face south and the views are of farms in the distance, and the rolling hills, and the pine trees. As the sun sets. the birds come out into the cooler air, and I am serenaded by their evening songs. I love to slather my moistened face with LUMINOUS honey face mask. Honey is a magical medicine of gargantuan qualities. Honey is healing, soothing, moistening, and nourishing, more than almost anything I can think of. We add jasmine essential oil, and super healing herbs like rose and calendula, and moistening oils like to make this mask a powerful healing and moisturizing skin food. We are so dry and hot here in the summertime, a deeply soothing mask is so beneficial to dry and sun damaged skin. 
For my inner beauty rituals, I take time every morning to practice connecting with my soul self by practicing contemplation, I prefer it over meditation. If I have thoughts that arise that are unhappy, or angry, or malcontent, I follow those to find their source. I ask myself questions like, why are you feeling this, or what is that you need right now, or is this the truth? Giving attention to these thought and feelings without judgement, leads me to understanding where I need to find healing, or balance, or forgiveness. We all have so much powerful wisdom within us, if we take the time to go inside and know ourselves. Knowing yourself is the most loving thing you can do for yourself.
For my creative outlet I try to spend even just a little bit of time doing quick sketches in my art journal. It has been very gratifying to witness a definite progression in my artistic abilities given just a little bit of time to a daily practice. If you are interested in developing a powerful tool for self transformation, I am teaching a creative retreat at Hunter Moon Homestead in September called The Inspired Journal.
In these last days of summer remember dear ones to Be your Beauty and let your One of a Kind Shine!