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Meet The Maker

Hello friends!  My name is Marci, and I’ve been working with Kate at Essential Apothecary Alchemist for a little over a year now. Nature has given us an amazing bounty, and we live here in one of the most fertile and beautiful places on Earth.  It’s so fun to discover new plants every year right under our feet and to grow new and unusual varieties of plants in our garden.  Kate and I also share this love.  And every year we share seeds, veggie starts and knowledge as we learn from each other. I have enjoyed my time with EAA and building our friendship with the Pooles thus far, and I look forward to many years of creating and growing together!

Meet The Maker

Hello friends!  My name is Marci, and I’ve been working with Kate at Essential Apothecary Alchemist for a little over a year now. Nature has given us an amazing bounty, and we live here in one of the most fertile and beautiful places on Earth.  It’s so fun to discover new...

Working With The Shadow Self

We all have a shadow aspect. We all have unclaimed aspects of ourselves. There is no shame in that, it is part of being human. Working with shadow aspects takes a brave heart, a loving heart, and a forgiving heart. Owning and working with the shadow gives us all a...

Making Your Own Cone Incense

I was recently invited to create a class for the generous and talented Jeanne Oliver. In The Alchemist we explore how to scent your home naturally with everything from handmade cleaning products to distilling your own hydrosols (distilled plant waters).

The Botanist's Garden at Hunter Moon Homestead

I have dreamed of the day where I could gather up old friends and new ones, to celebrate each other and nurture our creative spirits, for a very long time. We will gather in the beautiful Palouse prairie on Hunter Moon Homestead to celebrate the abundance and beauty that surrounds us....

Better Oral Health: Repairing The Biofilm In Your Mouth

 I have learned a lot regarding oral hygiene in the past few months, after seeing a new dentist and learning I had infection in my gums. We all have an environment in our mouths (known as biofilm), just as we do in our gut, that keeps our gums and teeth healthy. Here are...

New Release: KATHAROS Ritual Incense

The theme for the new year, at least for the first 6 months or so, seems to be, SLOW DOWN. I’m trying, even though it’s not my nature. I am moving through my list of to do’s with a more centered awareness that it will all get done in due time. Having...

In Gratitude

Here we go heading off into winter. As our days darken and the air turns cold, I am reminded of ancient rituals that bring joy and hope into this austere season. I love gathering the green and fragrant evergreen branches for the house, putting pine, orange, clove, and cinnamon essential oils in my...

Reverence: Honoring The Autumn Element

In Chinese medicine Autumn rules the Lungs and the Large Intestines. If you are in harmony with the season of release, you will have an awareness of keeping in your life what is vital and wholesome, and gracefully releasing what is no longer being honored, or what has served its time.

How To Thrive in the Late Summer Season Transition

The season of late summer in Chinese medicine is represented by the element of earth. Earth element is indicative of nourishment and abundance. Late summer is the season where my garden is bursting with the fruits of the seeds I planted in the spring months, and the garden is a...

Protecting Your Skin: The Body’s Natural Protective Barrier

Our skin, our physical boundary, our separation between what is outside and what is inside, is a marvelous wonder.  When our skin if functioning optimally it helps our body to regulate temperatures and also to control moisture loss,  and it works to defend us from bacteria, viruses, and oxidation caused...

Heat, Love & Fire; early summer rituals

We asked our friend Ilsa Marie, an accomplished yoga and mindfulness instructor, to try out our newest 5 Element Essential Oil Blend for the Early Summer season. She shared with us her favorite ways to use this powerful blend to inspire your own uses. Enjoy!

Ritual Bath

This act of self love, this divinely expressing my deep gratitude for this body of mine, is definitely calling me home and reminding me how important these rituals are. Whether it’s a beautifully designed ritual bath or a simple foot soak in a gorgeous bowl, a moment of self love...

Journey To Glow Podcast x EAA

We were so honored to be asked to speak with Caroline Frenette of Journey to Glow on a recent podcast episode. We cover a range of topics from medicinal mud packing, detoxing unwanted chemicals and botanical skincare. 

Nurturing Compassion; Balancing the Wood Element in Spring

I am not sure why at 19 years old I was fascinated by Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture. I have often found that when a need arises for me, the answers also arise. I have met and partaken in many different kinds of acupuncture and Chinese medicine practices in my life...


Years ago, as I was formulating products for EAA, I was very drawn to using hydrosols in place of water, but I really had no idea, at the time, just how powerful they are as agents of healing. I wanted to have a direct experience of making the hydrosols myself,...

Setting Intention & Finding Wholeness; Introducing Phelicia Magnusson of Queen & Crow Healing Arts

I had a lot of exposure to [clinical herbalism] teachers that are very well know in Western herbalism, but no one was talking about that emotional component that I was feeling. They would mention it, but we didn’t explore it much. We were expected to learn and explore the clinical...